Schroth therapy is a specialized three-dimensional exercise regime for Scoliosis devised by Katherina Schroth over 68 years ago. This pioneering work was continued by her daughter, Christa Lehnert -Schroth and further refined by her grandson, Dr Hans Rudolf Weiss, who currently heads the scoliosis rehabilitation clinic in Gensingen, Germany.
The main aim of the Schroth Method is to prevent an increase in curvature as well as the preservation and improvement of functionality. The therapy is designed specifically for each individual case of scoliosis, promoting elongation and de-rotation of the spine, as well as improving lung vital capacity.
The Schroth method has been proven to be the best conservative form of treatment for scoliosis in young and older people, making surgery an unneccessary option.
As a physical therapist, Sonjé had the privilege of certifying in the Schroth Method with Dr Weiss personally, in conjunction with Dr Moramarco in Boston. In May 2016, she completed the advanced Schroth course with Dr Moramarco, which focuses on brace measurement and treatment.
Sonjé, who has scoliosis herself, pursued the Schroth method: “Although I have a curvature of only 19 degrees, I was in a lot of pain, despite being fit and strong. Nothing seemed to relieve my back ache until I started doing the Schroth therapy. Now I am practically pain-free. I am passionate about passing this method on to young and old with scoliosis, because I have seen the results on myself and my patients.”
The most superior brace available is the Cheneau-Gensingen brace, which addresses the curvature on all three planes. Braces are effective for growing teens and short braces can help adults with symptoms due to nerve compression.
For more brace information: